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Cookies Policy

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Notice to users within the European Union

This declaration has been prepared to implement the requirements of Art.10 of the European Directive n. 95/46 / EC and the European Directive 2002/58 / EC, as amended by the European Directive 2009/136 / EC, regarding the use of cookies.

Cookies and data use.

This site uses cookies only to properly serve web pages (so-called session cookies). These cookies are temporarily stored in the user's device and are deleted when the application used to navigate the site is closed.

This site uses the "content delivery" service of CloudFlare (CLOUDFLARE, INC . - USA).
The "content delivery" service is entirely managed by CloudFlare which limits itself to transmitting the encrypted data without processing it otherwise.
An agreement exists between the owner of this site and CloudFlare Inc. regarding the processing of data according to the "Privacy Shield" and in accordance with the "EU-US Privacy Shield Framework" certification
The "content delivery" service uses a cookie with a 5-year expiration to identify some terminal devices , without storing any personal data in it since the cookie is used only to identify terminal devices that are recognized as reliable users.

Installation and deletion of cookies.

In addition to what is specified in this document, the user can manage the installation of cookies from the preferences of their browser, thus preventing, for example, third-party cookies from being installed. Through the browser functions, it is also possible to delete cookies, including cookies stored in the past.It is important to note that by uninstalling or preventing the storage of cookies, the functionality of this site for the user will not be limited. Users can find information on how to delete or limit Cookies to these addresses:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
Microsoft Windows Explorer